Poverty is more than a matter of economics. The roots run deep. It's a lethal force on more than one level. It's more than lack of food. It's more than lack of education. It's more than images of crying faces and hungy bellies on television. Change will require so much more than charity. Systems need to be uprooted, broken down and rebuilt.
I've sponsored kids with Compassion International for a number of years now. Yeah, I send in money. But what Compassion turns around and does with it is truly remarkable. I'm also able to exchange letters and photos with "my" kids...I do little things to let them know they are treasured - that they are absolutely priceless, in my eyes but especially in God's eyes.....and without fail these little ones (Evans, in Kenya; Navya, in India) bless me in ways I can't find words to express. I am reminded of my own selfishness and consumerism, my own pride and hatred........I carry inside myself the seeds of very same weeds that have taken over so much of the world. This is what must change in the system. Hearts. The hearts of presidents and senators, kings and queens, businessmen (and women), teachers, pastors.....you and me. We cannot expect the circumstances imposed on these innocents to change unless we are willing to break out of our own comfort to lay down our lives for them. It's called solidarity. It's called justice. It's called being "God with skin."
Do something. Even something small. If everyone sits back, thows their hands in the air and says, "But I'm just one person!" - nothing will ever change. Shalom....(in the truest, deepest sense of the word).
This was a beautiful post, Barbara. I love your heart for this, and that you are one example of a heart willing to be blown wide open for the things that break God's heart.
didnt get involved with the blog action day posting thing this time around.
Good post.
we have ONE Compassion child and we also sponsor 4 more children thru another agency AdoptAChild.
love writing those checks...and sometimes cards and letters to them...i also love getting mail from far away places. Today my Albanian teenager wrote to me. :-)
just one person helping just one more person...yah...anyone can do it.
Christianne - this whole idea of LETTING my heart be broken is new for me. I've always been somewhat lacking in compassion...thank God for grace, huh?
MaryAnn - I LOVE getting letters from my kids...makes my day!
Wonderful post. I love the words - being God in skin...wonderful.
Came to you while looking thru the Blog Action Day posts. I'll hang around - thanks!
Ava Semerau author of And God Was Pleased: Biblical Principles for Creating Christian Success
that book i have on my blog today...good stuff! i LOVE the way he is going from Genesis on thru to the New Testament and pullin personalities and politics of the day and making all of the stories make sense in the grand big picture and pointing back to when someone said the similar things centuries beforehand...and how, really, some of the same stuff is happening today in our world...cuz we are human.
today, for instance, i read about why is it important and amazing about Philip meeting the eunich in a chariot? been in church as a born again christian for over 22 years...it all makes sense now. all the little pieces that add up to make the whole story of Jesus and God's heart very congruent and alive.
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