Sunday, June 22, 2008

The countdown...

Nine weeks.

It's actually coming up much more quickly than I thought it would.

My first class at SAU starts on August 25. This is the master's program of my dreams! Yet there's this nagging apprehension. It won't go away. Afraid I won't measure up. That I'll be in way over my head. And maybe I will. But that's when we grow, right?

But there's a world of difference between fear and dread. I'm not dreading this...not at all. I really feel that this is something God is leading. But fear. That's another story. But for me, change always brings a rash of butterflies in the stomach and self-doubt.

This too shall pass.

The key is to remember that He's my shepherd. Regardless of any accomplishment or failure, excited anticipation or fear. I lack nothing.


MaryAnn Mease said...

its when you are truly "in over your head" that you truly learn to swim.

....and butterflies are beautiful creatures.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping to begin in August as well. I've had to delay beginning, but Lord willing I will be starting up. Invitation to a Journey is a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and did a little write up on my site. Blessing as you continue and perhaps we'll meet in August!

Barbara said...

Hey thanks for posting, Paul! I had hoped to start in the spring, but some things didn't quite qork out with my undergrad hours. I hope things work out for you to start! It looks like an amazing program.

Where do I find your site?