Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First-time tagged...

I was “tagged” by Redhead Rev…my first time doing this in the blog world…so I’ll share the love!

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Subway “sandwich artist”
2. Shift manager at the local movie theater
3. Administrative assistant at Ruidoso Regional Council for the Arts (current)
4. freelance graphic designer (experimenting)

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Narnia
2. Just about any of the films based on Jane Austen’s life and work
3. Rain Man
4. Music Within

Four places I have lived:
1. Ruidoso, NM
2. Ruidoso, NM
3. Alto, NM (very near Ruidoso, NM)
4. Ruidoso, NM

Four TV shows I like:
1. The Office
2. I don’t have cable!
3. I don’t have satellite!
4. ???

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Nothing’s as amazing as Mom’s homemade bread….fresh out of the oven, when the outside is crunchy and the inside is steaming and soft…and, ohhhhh the aroma….mmm. Now I’m hungry.
2. sweet potatoes…
3. the Turkey Avacado wrap at The Wild Herb (now there’s some good eats)
4. just about any kind of fresh produce we can pick up at the farmers’ market. Last week was apricots…this week was figs.

Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. Sometimes…..Pecos Benedictine Monastery. :o)
2. NOT at Wal-mart
3. Out on a walk…preferably whith trees, birds, etc.
4. At home

People I’m Tagging: whoever's in to being tagged. :o)

1 comment:

MaryAnn Mease said...

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Burger King (high school)
2. Inventory specialist at a fabric store
3. Homeschool Mom
4. volunteer admin assistant Mtn of Worship

Four movies I could watch over and over:
to watch over and over??
my ADDish brain wouldnt sit still long enough to watch reruns cuz my super memory would remember what was next=boring.

Four places I have lived:
1. Pittsburgh, PA
2. Indiana, PA
3. Madison, WI
4. Philadelphia, PA
5. Grand Rapids, MI
6. Sumter, SC
i figured i ripped you off on the movie four so i gave you a bonus few on the lived places.

Four TV shows I like:
1. The Weather Channel
and here again we get lame...i hardly ever turn the set on, but will half heartedly watch anything that is on.

Four Favorite Foods:
1. potato chips
2. cherries, grapes and watermelon
3. chocolate
4. noodles/pasta

Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. at the beach
2. NOT at Wal-mart (i agree)
3. in a forest
4. in my bed. :-)