Sunday, June 01, 2008


"Uganda's children work on dangerous rock pile"

I just read this's so sad, it's so wrong, yet what can be done? Gary Haugen (founder, International Justice Mission) says that the first step is to get over this ridiculous idea that "I can't do anything."

God is a just can we be his hands and feet in carrying out justice in this incredibly unjust world?


MaryAnn Mease said... do we go from "i cant do anything" to doing something that matters?

i know...starting small and nearby...but i want to rescue the children of the nations and hug them all and "make it all better"....

listening to hear Papa's direction of where to place my foot for the next step...

Barbara said...

A friend and I were talking about this recently. That feeling of helplessness, "I'm only one person." But if everyone in the world were to settle into that mindset, where would we be? I think you have hit it dead-on: the best way to rescue the children of the nations and hug them and make it all to start small and nearby. With the cup God has given us to drink. I see this in the lives of truly great, appropriately small people...Mother Teresa, Henry Nouwen, Francis of Assisi, Shane Claiborne. For me, this introduces the difficulty of perceiving local needs. But I also believe that we should be confronted with greater, more obvious needs--which is where world missions would come in. Does any of this make sense?

MaryAnn Mease said...

i went to Mozambique with IRIS Ministries and fell in love with the kids and the beautiful widows they care for in Pemba.

my daughter went to Guatemala and left a big part of her heart there with the kids.

the needs there are great...the needs are obvious.

+clean water is a luxury.
+medical care is only in dreams.
+anything other than beans and rice is...gourmet!
+no problem picking out "what to wear today"...same as yesterday.
+simple toys like balloons and handpuppets are a HUGE hit!

by looking locally, sometimes the needs arent quite so apparent.
sure..we have homeless and druggies and the like here...we have our "poor"..
but...what to DO with them?

in some ways, going to another place makes it easier to serve. there is an escape plan, there is a date the flight will leave...and i can go back to my American lifestyle.

although my husband has worked hard to get to this point...there is a huge uneasiness and sort of a disappointment that we have amassed our own little empire here...for what? the american dream?