Monday, September 01, 2008

Standing By

In Rembrandt’s painting of the prodigal, the character(s) I identify with may vary from day to day, moment to moment, depending on who I am with, what I am doing, my hormonal balance, the weather conditions, and just about anything else! Sometimes I feel the brokenness of the prodigal; sometimes the anger and judgment of the brother; and every once in a while I offer someone the love of the Father. Overall, though, I am generally the man in the very back. Hidden. Awkward. Not quite fitting in anywhere. Looking on the scene with longing. Learning by others’ actions the value of being “defective,” wrecked, broken.

Who are you?


christianne said...

That is a beautiful thought, Barbara, the idea of hanging back and thereby learning through observation the value of being broken, wrecked, defective.

I can relate to that feeling of hanging back and learning through observation. I tended to be this person in my growing-up years, observing through other people's interactions what are the actions that would make me acceptable and approved in their company. I haven't yet completed my reflection on this painting to determine who I most identify with now. But I'm glad you shared this here.

PS: Hi, from MSFL-land! :)

christianne said...

Oh, and I should probably add that I don't mean to imply your reasons for hanging back and observing are the same reasons mine were when I was growing up. I just re-read that comment and saw that it could give that implication.

Barbara said...

Hey, Christianne! Thank you...and even IF your first comment did give that implication - you'd be freakily on target! :o)