Saturday, September 06, 2008

waking up

Something in me has been "sleepy" for so long. Inattentive. Bland. But now....I feel like I'm slowly coming awake.
The reading I've been doing for class has certainly been part of it. But I am moved to tears as I think about the community developing in our online classroom. There is such openness... received with such love. As I read others' thoughts on the dicussion boards, I begin to see that so many things I have struggled with are not completely unique to me. I'm not alone in my weaknesses, my desires. Some of the posts have even opened my eyes to struggles/desires in me...that I didn't realize I had! What grace. Oh God, we are broken. Make us worthy vessels for your Spirit. Teach us to receive your grace and turn again to pour it out for each other.


christianne said...

Oh, Barbara, I'm so glad you're having this experience. One of the thing I love most about this gift of being in MSFL is learning intentionally about a subject I care deeply about, all with a whole host of people who care deeply about it, too. And, since it's a degree program that more relational types would gravitate toward (since it seems most of us want to use this degree in ministry somehow), it really makes the relationship development part of this experience so natural . . . everyone cares about everyone, because this subject brings people who care about people to it!

Did that make any sense?? :)

Anyway, I love hearing that you feel like you're waking up. Confession time: I wish we didn't all have to be in separate cohort teams sometimes, because I hate missing out on what others (including you) have to share and watching how each person is growing!

Barbara said...

Yes, it makes perfect sense! Now I only need to overcome my social anxieties (yeah, I'm a very strong "I") and January will be perfect. :o)

I get you on the whole team thing!!