Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's in a name?

Growing up I was never really crazy about my name(s). It seemed like my friends had "cool" Nicole or Alexis or Brittany. I've done some research....and rather changed my mind about my name.
First name is Hebrew, meaning: foreign/stranger, traveler from a foreign land
Middle name #1 is German, meaning: famous warrior (hmm...)
Middle name #2 is English, the fem. form of "John", meaning: God/Jehovah has been gracious
Last name is English, meaning: from the long meadow (path/roadway)

What about you? God likes names. He bestows them...he changes them - they mean something. They represent who we are.

Here's a random bit of silliness (I'm tired, it's been a long day, I could use some silliness:o).....other name options:
Bramblerose Bunce of Brockenborings (from a Hobbit name generator)
Slick Tony Moretti (pirate name generator)
Ingrid Ze Insightful (Harry Potter name generator)

Hmm...*grin* G'nite.


christianne said...

Cool, Barbara. (And speaking of names, do you prefer Barb or Barbara? I've been alternating back and forth!)

The traditional translation of my name is "follower of Christ." However, I had a counselor once who had a background in languages, and he broke my name into two parts that translated "Anointed Beloved." I have always loved that, ever since. It helps sometimes, to remind myself that I'm his anointed beloved.

MaryAnn Mease said...

i went thru a bit in 8th grade that i wanted to change the spelling of mine. Mary Ann...boring as white bread.. Merri-ann....Marianne...MeriAnn
until my father took me aside and told me that when my mother(who died when i was 18 months old)...when she lost their first child 3 days after birth and found out she was pregnant again a year later promised God that she would name me after Mary and her mother, Ann
all of a sudden Mary Ann didnt sound so white bread anymore. I have smashed them together though so people know its all one name. my name isnt just mary

years go by and i find her big ol red leather family bible.

scribbled on a side page is "baby girl named Mary" and the date...which is about 5 years before she had me...before she was even married.
now THAT gave me chills.

i am imagining that somehow God spoke to her about having me...a baby girl named Mary...and she thought it significant to scribble it on the side of a page in the big family Bible. hmmmm.

as far as meanings...
i have always heard my name means:
bittersweet grace

Barbara said...

"Annointed beloved" cool is that?! Loved deeply and set apart for him. Wow. can call me whatever you like. I can adjust to anything...except "Barbie" :)

Barbara said...

What a beautiful, touching story! I mean, to know that you were thought of and loved before your were meaningful that must be. "Bittersweet grace"...mmm. Grace IS a bittersweet sort of thing, isn't it? God's work in our lives is so warming, but requires change.

Love it, love it.

christianne said...

Barb, I'm glad you told me that, because I'm pretty sure in January, after I'd gotten to know you better in person, I would have been tempted to (affectionately) call you Barbie-doll. As in, "Come on, Barbie-doll. You ready for breakfast yet? Let's go!" :)

Barbara said...

Well, coming from you...I don't think I'd mind that, actually! :)